Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Jimi Hendrix Turns 65!

Never too old to Rock N Roll and too young to die, Jimi Hendrix turns 65 today! As one of my top 5 guitar heroes and influences on my own guitar jams, Jimi was a power house that literally went up in flames at the height of his career. Being an idol, a genius, an icon for a generation is not an easy burden to bare. At least Jimi is Rockin the choirs of Heaven today on his birthday. "Excuse me while I kiss the sky!"
Sir "Rockin" Hook of Warrick

1 comment:

Sir Bowie of Greenbriar (a.k.a. David A. Kuhn) said...

Will I live tomorrow?
Well, I just can't say


Carpe diem to Jimi all day.

Sir Bowie of Greenbriar