MADRID (Reuters) – A Spanish bar is encouraging clients to insult its staff and offering free drinks for original or hilarious abuse.
"When you come in after work, you can say swear at them and call them bastard or imbecile," said client Antonio Ossa, who told state news agency EFE the promotion by the "Casa Pocho" bar in the southern town of Cullera near Valencia seemed like a good idea to him.
Polish-born bar owner Bernard Mariusz said he thought people needed somewhere to release their frustrations at a time of economic crisis, employing the Spanish language's rich store of earthy obscenities.
"That way they won't let it out on their family," he said.
(Reporting by Jason Webb, editing by Paul Casciato)
Now, if you're planning on making a little road trip to the "Casa Pocho" bar, you might want to first check out this web site:

Welcome to Insult-o-Matic, the website where you come to get the most insulting and offensive comments on earth. We have enough insults, put-downs, come-backs and rants to occupy you for the rest of your life. Be prepared to be severely insulted! Insult-o-Matic is not for the weak at heart, the easily offended, or children. If you fall under this category, please leave now ...otherwise (get started and have fun).
I love the fact that you can even type in your name in the Insult-o-Matic and it will generate and insult just for you. For example: Bowie, Bow down before me you mildew gulping yodelling nutbrain who kisses the feet of the foul dead carp and the godforsaken cabbage.
Sir Bowie "evidently a squealing Stumpy" of Greenbriar
Funny, a couple of the Knights were just talking about this yesterday at RiRa's, while we were celebrating my belated birthday...since I haven't been in town long enough for them to corner me.
We talked about the Mucky Duck on Captiva Island. It's a real British Pub that the owner tore down in London and shipped to Captiva, where he set it up on the beach. In true Brit humor he as a slew of insults just waiting for you.
One of my favorites is when someone comes in and requests an ocean view table. He takes them to the very back corner by the dish washer where you can't see shit and then rolls out a painting of the beach on wheels in front of the table!
Sir Hook the Mucky Duck of Warrick
If you want to be insulted...just come to the UK...
and that goes to you too, .yes you...the guy with a face like a childs crayon drawing of a fried breakfast
Sir d of Insultingtonshire
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