Sir Hook...playing Hooky and being Hooky at one of America's largest, if not largest, Music Festivals...Lollapalooza in Chi-Town! Lady Allwinky and I took up the invitation of Lady Mo of Chicago, Lady Allwinky's high school friend, to shack and shag at her penthouse overlooking Grant Park and attend this Three Day Feast of Music, Food, Beer and Hot Bods!
I have prepared posts on each of the three days...highlighting the music and artists. I will be adding live comments after each performance to review the music, people we meet, beer we drink and adventures we'll be sharing along the way!

Here's the Map to my Kingdom through Sunday night. Believe me, by the time this is over I will have covered several miles, drank hundreds of beers and encountered thousands of adoring fans from across the globe! I will have covered 7 different stages, 31 different artists, eaten too much high priced fast food and drank a boat load of beer at Kingdom Central..The Lederhosen's Biergarten!

Like this fine lass from Nashville who will "Sing 4 Beer"! Actually this is Kesha, a 21 year old budding electronic pop star from Nashville, who will be performing at BMI Stage at 4:15pm on Sunday.
11:30am - The Henry Clay People: New to my iPod, a fusion of New Wave and Southern Rock
12:15pm - Manchester Orchestra: New to my iPod, they're not from Manchester, England but their music has that English alternative flair, mixed with a low heavy guitar drone.
1pm - Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears: The name says it all!

2pm - White Lies: They are English and sound like a rockin' version of a rejuvenated Depeche Mode.

3pm - Heartless Bastards: The name doesn't say it at all...but it's catchy enough to make you listen to their brand of Neil Youngish Heavy American Folk Rock.

4pm - Ben Folds: The modern Piano Man with an attitude. I saw him open up for John Mayer at Hershey Park one week before I broke my back. Glad we're both "back" today!

5pm - Fleet Foxes: Mellow Yellow meets Starbuck's Caffeine at an English Tea Party. This Seattle band was discovered by me at Starbuck's a few years ago and is a newly found favorite of Sir Dayvd of Oxfordshire.

6pm - The Decemberists: Very talented and creative musicians. I would describe them as like having a band full of Elvis Costello clones!
7pm: Andrew Bird: A Chicago classically trained violinist with a pop/folk twist.

8:15pm - Kings of Leon: "My Sex is On Fire" has propelled this brawling band of brothers from their father's pulpit to the big stage. One of two Headliners on opposite ends of the park. The other is one of my all time favorites, Depeche Mode, but I can't stand their new album and I want to learn more about this band by seeing them live.
So there you have my Friday line-up. You can share in the action by downloading a free iPhone Lollapalooza app if you own an iPhone, or you can visit the official website with links to the bands at http://.2009.lollapalooza.com.
I've got the Music in Me!
Sir Hook the Troubadour of Warrick
Wow David.....take your vitamins and pace yourself these next three days!!! Chi town might not be the same.......Hope the weather is favorable for enjoying the full range of music all this weekend!
Sir Richard
So will you becoming CannonBall Man like Homer did, when he went to Lolla in the Simpsons?...lol
Sir D ( Smells like Otto's jacket ) of Oxfordshire
You will encounter thousands of adoring fans from across the globe!?
Awesome! I knew you had a lot of fans, but...
Have fun.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
Sir Richard, I've already taken my vitamins and a jog around the park in prep, thank you!
Sir D...this Homer don't do CannonBall Man! LOL!
Sir Bowie, yes, the secret is out...everyone is attending here because of me!
Sir Hook the Medically Fit & Humble Homer of Warrick
P.S. Stay tuned throughout the day for updates!
First update: From the Chicago Tribune: "The Lollapalooza Crowd Line Up"...a comic cartoon display of the different fans.
Chatting Cathy: Shrill, unceasing voice on cell phone with back turned to stage.
The Shirtless Jerk: Cargo shorts, backwards baseball cap, shirtless with leg wound from jumping fence (which he didn't need to do because he had a ticket.)
The Notice Me Eccentric: Newly died dreadlocks, juggles, knee length boots over red tights and wearing a fur coat in 90 degree weatehr.
The Insufferable Expert: Shrugs, doesn't blink, only there for the unsigned bands, hangs out at the sound tent.
The Aterna-Parent: Exhausted, goatee and DeBarge T-Shirt with kids wearing Ramones T-Shirts.
The Kenilworth Kid: Born during Clinton era, wear stained Lacoste shirt and Cubs hat, while running stage to stage.
The Aging Hipster: Black T-Shirt, Jeans, desperate to retain youth, still reads Rolling Stone and talks about when he was in a Rock Band.
Expected crowd: 225,000
Sir Hook the Aging Hipster, Shirtless Eccentric and Sometimes Insufferable Expert of Warrick
First rule: FLEXABILITY! Line made it impossible to catch Henry Clay People on time. Heard band called Hockey instead. Dance Rock. Good! Power went out in middle of set, band threw beers out to crowd to keep them there. Power went out again. On to Manchester Orchestra!
Manchester Orchestra is simply Awesome! Atlanta Boys ROCK!
Black Joe & the Honey Bears are bringing down the house as the rain begins to fade away! SMOKIN'!
West London's Whit Lies takes Chicago by storm! The 70 degree rain only makes it more perfect! This relative new comer will be a force to reckon with in the future! Mind th Music!
Correction. I meant White Lies. STILL FREAKIN AWESOME!
Getting primitive! Rain is picking and the mud decorates the back legs of the flip flop wearing hoard. It's like one giant wet T-Shirt Contest! I guess it's not that bad afterall! LOL! Decided to be a Heartless Bastard and skip the cross country mud slide to hear them. Listening to Bon Iver instead, a stoner loaner from Wisconsin. Fits the smell in the air. Moving on to Ben Folds.
Wow....how can you keep up with this crazy lineup?
Hey....the secret is out Dave....I turned around and drove back last night....I AM the Look AT Me Eccentric! Do you love my fur coat and suede boots?.....go them from Macy's on closeout....just in time for the SHOW!
You haven't described what kind of brews you have encountered thus far......keep us posted!!
"....all those adoring fans".???...I'm with Sir Bowie....LOL!
Sir Richard of the Beavers....no longer of Beaver Creek!!
Ben Folds is a trooper in the Rain. So talented! He is providing a sign language person for the deaf who are front dancing to the beats shacking out bodies!
If had inquiries on what beers Im drinking. Sorry to report that since Bud's name is on one of the main stages that their product is all you can get here. At least the music is better with more varity than the beer! LOL!
Fleet Foxes harmonies and lush landscapes are even more spectacular life! Also you get more of the underlying beat life. Almost left due to rain; however, slip sliding away on the mud of a beautiful day!
OK...obviously between the beer and mud my spelling and word selection isn't the sharpest! I meant live, not life on Fleet Foxes. U Git da Drivt! LOL!
Do you have your official Lalapalloza rain slicker on? Haha
Getting ready to head out with Traci to Firefly Grill and then to Big Daddys tonight for some bluebrass......hope you can still feel your cold wet toes Dave!! Enjoy the show(s) and we enjoy your updates......Carson Daly should be worried!
Cheers from Sir Richard of Lionheart and steady beavers.....
The rain finally got the best of us, so we retired to Lady Mo's condo on the 43rd floor and took the sets of The Decemberists and Andrew Bird from her balcony. Both bands where awesome, even from our birds eye view!
The rain has stopped, so now where one to see the Kings of Leon!
The gates and fate guided me to Depeche Mode at the main stage. All the old classics are screaming in my head! Fly on Windscreen now playing! Day starts and ends FLEXABLE! See you in the morning!
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