I hated the song...but the title was sticking in my mind as I watched the sun rise over Lake Michigan from atop my weekend perch at Buckingham Towers. Lollapalooza is over...and there's got to be a morning after.
Like a Guardian Angel, this was our view of Grant Park and the Lollapalooza layout on Friday morning about three hours before the event would begin. It was a surreal experience to be amongst the crowds and music and then remove yourself to survey the situation from our vantage point...like a Lord would look over his fields from the Castle Walls.
What we got to experience over the three days was simply amazing! Over a quarter million people from all over the globe, bands of every type and flavor, humanity at its finest and lowest, the Universal language of music bringing the masses together in sync for a brief 2 to 5 minutes at a time. For whatever their reasons...pure love of music...pursuit of fame and fortune...or just the ability to creatively express themselves...the musicians poured their very heart and soul out to the crowds.
One of my highs of the weekend was to see Ida Maria perform with unabashed enthusiasm and in your face bravado...and then turn into this nice Norwegian girl after the set...coming out to meet us, talk for a brief moment and then get our picture taken with her.
And then there was our fairy god-mother, who kept showing up throughout the weekend in a different fairy costume, expressing herself both inwardly and outwardly with the music.
Lady Allwinky and I are most grateful for the hospitality shown to us by our friend Lady Mo and the ability to be just minutes away from one of Music's best festivals!
Because as timeless as music...is love and the need to express it...as made evident by the tattoo on the back of this girl who was obviously not even born until several years after John Lennon was shot down in the streets of New York. A great Beatles lyric..."And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make." AMEN!
Sir Hook the Satisfied Troubadour of Warrick
P.S. Check out the Comments today for my recap.
WOW! Where do I start or end! The past three days have simply been an amazing experience. In thinking about a recap of the weekend my head began to spin with all kinds of thoughts and descriptions. So, here I go with my (and I remind you and myself that this is just my own opinion) attempt at rating the experience. Also, keep in mind that this is only based on the acts I saw. It also does not incorporate all the acts I saw. First we'll start with the main stages and work our way down to the mid-size stages and smaller venues,
The Main Stages were the Budweiser and the Chicago 2016 (for their bid on the Olympics).
Best acts at Budweiser: Manchester Orchestra, White Lies, Arctic Monkeys, Friendly Fires
Best acts at Chicago 2016: Depeche Mode, The Airborne Toxic Event, The Killers
The Mid-Size Stages stages were Vitamin Water and Play Station.
Best acts at Vitamin Water: Black Joe Lewis and the Honey Bears, Bat for Lashes, Silversun Pickups
Best acts at Playstation: Fleet Foxes, Robert Earl Keen, Ben Harper and the Relentless 7, Sam Roberts Band, The Raveonettes
The Smaller Stages were BMI and Citi.
Best acts at BMI: Band of Skulls, Dirty Sweet
Best acts at Citi: Ida Maria
There is no way you can pick the BEST out of all of these acts, each had their own BEST moment for me; however, in a weak attempt of giving some sort of rating I will list the following:
Most fun bands: Dirty Sweet, Ida Maria, Friendly Fires and Black Joe Lewis and the Honey Bears.
Best Headliner: The Ole' Boys keep chugging along...DEPECHE MODE...no question!
Most likely to be a Headliner soon: White Lies and Manchester Orchestra
Most Under Rated Band: Sam Roberts Band. I have never heard of them, yet they have the #1 record in Canada and have won 4 Juno awards, their equal to a Grammy.
Most sonically true to their recordings: Bat for Lashes, Fleet Foxes, The Raveonettes, White Lies
Biggest disappointment: The Constantines, Yeah Yeah Yeahs singer forgetting lyrics multiple times.
Biggest surprise: 10 year old Quinn Sullivan shreading note for note with Buddy Guy
Best Value: $6 Paid Tai at the food court.
Biggest Rip Off: $5 for a can of Bud
There you have it...for what ever its worth. Now I have to drive back home. Later!
Sir Hook of Warrick
What an awesome post and comment to end the musical roadtrip that, well, is like a fairy tale.
This week is the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock, and I know that there is an Abbey Road post waiting in the wings this week -- so, think, drink, listen to music, and be merry.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
Wow.....to wake up every morning to that pic across Lake Michigan!!! It reminds me of my FIRST apartment after college......on the lake front in Milwaukee on the 14th floor......and seeing the sun come up like that! Brings back some memories! Glad you guys had such a good time!....thanks for sharing in pics and in word!
Sir Richard.....who doesn't like to venture too far from the water....otherwise he will miss the beaver!!
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