Sunday, January 17, 2010

Halftime: Public service accouncement

While the football games play in the background

here are some January to-do ideas:

(being reminded by the tragedies in Haiti and elsewhere around the world how quickly lives can change)

take the time to write down every bit of information you would need to recreate your lives
in case of natural disaster / fire / theft

-- those names of contacts, phone numbers, account numbers etc. you would need to have access to if your home vanished, purse or wallet were stolen, or someone stole items from your house or car (also the VIN and plate numbers for your cars)

-- for each person: Social Security #, driver's license #, student ID#, birthdate

-- take pictures of items and record serial numbers / file with records of purchases

(friends recently came home from out-of-town Christmas travels and found the "Grinch" had broken in and cleaned out their house of all electrical/computer things -- the insurance company needed numbers and receipts --those things that we plan to organize-- someday)

We did the Emergency Information Sheet after the tornadoes we've had here and the pictures of complete houses blown away. It took a couple of days to gather all the information for our family of four. And then I went to my mother's and we wrote out one for her.

Make a couple of copies and put in a lock box or with a trusted friend/family member who lives at least a couple of miles away from you - far enough away to be safe. Do not just store on your computer. Print out copies.

*remember to update as you buy / sell / change account information

**reminder for Sir James of Taylor who is turning 50 on Monday -- check your driver's license -- when does it expire?
Have a Happy Birthday too -- still celebrating from last night's party? We had fun!

Lady Suzanne, who is going with Sir Bowie to get new passport pictures this afternoon because we need to renew our passports this month!

and who is taking off the "hat of responsibility" now and going to see if Dallas is still losing - go Vikings!!

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