When reaching halftime ...just now, during the ongoing Leaque Cup Final at Wembly, between Manchester Utd and Aston Villa, I did that classic male thing of flipping channels from the couch....and bumped into a hammy old Disney Film called 'In Search of the Castaways'...and on the bit that was on....Old French roue Maurice Chevalier was cooking al fresco and singing to his bedraggled companions, an optimistic ditty called "Enjoy it".
All of which made me think, that it is a classic KMSA song....and that Disney for all his weirdness, was quite Zen in his own way...
So here are the Lyrics and I hope you Enjoy it!!
In Search Of The Castaways - Enjoy It
Why cry about bad weather? Enjoy it!
Each moment is a treasure, enjoy it!
We are travelers on life's highway, enjoy the trip
Each lovely twist and byway is bum and dip
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
And you'll see roses in the snow,
Joie de vivre will make them grow,
Voila, that's life, enjoy it!
Ta-e-da-di-da-ya-da, Enjoy it!
Ta-e-da-di-da-ye-da, Enjoy it!
Hurricane comes your way, enjoy the breeze
You're stranded in the jungle, enjoy the trees.
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
This world's a cornucopia,
Why it could be, Utopia?
Voila, that's right, enjoy it!
Why cry about bad weather? Enjoy it!
Each moment is a treasure, enjoy it!
We are travelers on life's highway, enjoy the trip
Each lovely twist and byway is bum and dip
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
And you'll see roses in the snow,
Joie de vivre will make them grow,
Voila, that's life, enjoy it!
Why cry about bad weather? Enjoy it!
Each moment is a treasure, enjoy it!
We are travelers on life's highway, enjoy the trip
Each lovely twist and byway is bum and dip
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
And you'll see roses in the snow,
Joie de vivre will make them grow,
Voila, that's life, enjoy it!
Ta-e-da-di-da-ya-da, Enjoy it!
Ta-e-da-di-da-ye-da, Enjoy it!
Hurricane comes your way, enjoy the breeze
You're stranded in the jungle, enjoy the trees.
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
This world's a cornucopia,
Why it could be, Utopia?
Voila, that's right, enjoy it!
Why cry about bad weather? Enjoy it!
Each moment is a treasure, enjoy it!
We are travelers on life's highway, enjoy the trip
Each lovely twist and byway is bum and dip
If there's a complication, enjoy it!
You've got imagination, employ it!
And you'll see roses in the snow,
Joie de vivre will make them grow,
Voila, that's life, enjoy it!

Sir D (who is now going back to his soccer game on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon in the UK) of O
Sounds like a good Drinking song to me!
Sir Hook Who Always Enjoys It...Whatever It Is at the Moment of Warrick
...this one was just on the radio...by The Specials...and was called "Enjoy yourself...its later than you think"
and the chorus goes:
Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
It's later than you think
Sir Dayvd ( "normal is something people try to achieve before they discover that being different is the way forward!" ) of O
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