A perfect day to break out the roses and clink glasses with the love of your life. I doubt that you can find this in the States, but if you can (or bottle, pardon the pun) offer her a Cupid's Ale: "a tawny, lightly nutty, brew, with a touch of ginseng dryness. It is made by the sinfully-named brewery Cain's, of Liverpool."
Or, when in doubt, chocolate. Some chocolate flavored beers to try are Rogue's Chocolate Stout, Samuel Adams' Chocolate Bock, Brooklyn Brewery's Black Chocolate Stout, or Young's Double Chocolate Stout.
Every Knight needs a get-away. Thanks to Sir Scott of Paradiddle (temporary name until he gets back with me), I'd like to introduce you to the Duke and Duchess of Sugar Tree Valley (Paul and Sonja Ramey). Their Dukedom is is a privately owned 145 acre wildlife refuge and horse farm located just three minutes from Eddy Creek Marina on Lake Barkley in Lyon County, Kentucky. And the good news: There's a cabin to rent for a modest investment of your mortal money. I say “investment” because the money traded is well worth the sanity break.
This is paradise for Knights looking for a quiet place to relax after a long day on the lake, or for those who would like to explore the many hiking trails and perhaps glimpse a variety of wildlife that could include deer, wild turkey, and native birds. Occasionally a bald eagle has been seen soaring high above the Valley.
I left one of the Knights of Moleskine, Spirit, and Ale beer coasters back at the cabin and sure enough, like a shiny lure to a bass in Barkley Lake, Paul took the bait and navigated to our humble blog. He emailed me and enthusiastically wanted to be included in our merry band of brothers and sisters (okay, I added that part about "enthusiastically"). Even though he's more of a spirit drinker than ale his much needed wisdom and civility is a welcome addition to our group. I also pick Sonja to be on MY jousting team. When you go down to STV you'll enjoy watching her exquisite equestrian nerve and patience as she works the horses in the field or rides through the woods (Of course, she has to have patience to put up with Sir Paul, Sir Scott and Sir Me).So, don't hesitate to call on Sir Paul of Lyon (on the Barkley) and Lady Sonja of Reins (actual name to yet to be determined).
If you would like to talk to someone directly concerning questions that you may have, call Paul and Sonja Ramey at 270-388-0984 and check out more information and photos at
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
P.S. Paul wanted to be Sir Oldmandowninthehollerinlyoncountyky; however, we felt it best to shorten it to Sir Paul of Lyon.
Looks like a great place to have a Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale Cinco de Mayo Bash! Perhaps the next Woodstock? Welcome new Knight's and Lady!
Come on Down!!!
Sir Paul and Lady Sonja
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