I've debated with myself for the past 6 months whether to share this photo; however, after my meditation on how to "pick up the pieces" I felt comfortable in doing so. You see, I don't want your sympathy, only your understanding of the illustration of how to "pick up the pieces". This is me in the LSU Trauma Unit after breaking my back in an auto accident in Shreveport, LA on business. This was snapped by my Lady after recovering from surgery in the ICU and allowed to enjoy my one of many vices, Starbuck's. The brace you see was molded to fit me to provide support during my recovery. I went through four of such devices during my recovery. During that time I resigned from the company I help to start and started a brand new company on my own. Some said I was crazy and just reacting to another set back, having had open-heart surgery just 5 years ago. Others thought I was on drugs (which I obviously was) and didn't know what I was really doing (which I obviously did). This is when a Knight of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale must sometimes trust himself and stand on the battlefield alone. Not an unfamiliar situation for me, but never comfortable, or for that matter a sure result. But stand I do. I "pick up the pieces" and move forward to a better life and way of living. It is through being broken and the ability to allow yourself to be molded by the experience that true strength comes from. Like my back brace, molded to support me, I found all the support I needed already inside me. I just had to be broken to find it.
Good Hunting
Sir Hook of Warrick
It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, - "Always do what you are afraid to do."
1 comment:
In your photo you seem to be saying, pardon the pun: Brace yourself world, I'm just resting up to take you on one hell of a ride!"
I once read that God / Heaven is absolute love. We, however, live in a relative world (i.e. In order to know what light is, we must know darkness).
You're beautiful message to me:
In order to know wholeness, I must sometime know brokenness. It's not the event, it's how I respond to it. Brace yourself world...
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
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