It's more than ironic that I found this information from Sir Dayvd of Oxfordshire in my inbox this morning after spending most of the night last night in search of the perfect liquid companion on a Waxing Gibbous evening. Waxing Gibbous, a name that has always fascinated me, is when the moon is more than half full, but not full enough. Gibbous is often a comment on my own life, whether good or bad, because it always seems that I'm just not full enough! I even thought it would make a great name for a beer someday. Anyway, Sir Dayvd was obviously mind melding with me across the pond and in the tradition of my ancestors did some poaching. This time it went through a check out line, into a basket, into his house and into him with great satisfaction. At last, the Gibbous has found what its missing!
The beer is bre

Here's what their web site has to say about "Poacher's":
Seeking out the treasures of the countryside and making the most of local ingredients is an art shared by Badger and the wily poacher.
Badger Poacher's Choice is a smooth, dark ale enhanced by a touch of liquorice for spicy sweetness and damson for a soft, subtly fruity taste. Its robust flavours combine well with game, desserts and mature cheeses.
Available in 500ml bottles, this rich, warming 5.7% ABV bottled beer is our fourth winner of the prestigious Tesco Drinks Awards. A gutsy ale that's well worth tracking down.
Availability: Available exclusively in selected Tesco stores and in our online shop www.badgerdirect.com.
So there you have it! In the words of a well imbibed Knight, "A Poacher in a Bush is better than a Hand in a Badger!" I'll let you discern on that one. Perhaps it's best to quit waxing my gibbous and end in the words of Sir Dayvd of Oxfordshire, "Highly recommended in Sir Dayvd's Banqueting Hall!"
Sir Hook of Warrick
1 comment:
New, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent...
And then we reborn, New again.
It's an endless cycle,
One in which we're rarely new or full.
Here's to Thinking, Drinking and
Being Merry. How appropriate that our crest displays a moon.
Here's to Being Moons
Reflecting a greater light source
We'll drink soon
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
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