Sunday, September 21, 2008

SIR Brit on the Ohio

After our spirited blogging yesterday I decided to jaunt down by the Ohio River a few "Yards" from my humble home to take in some foreign relations. (By the way did you know that Sarah Palin didn't get a passport or travel outside the country until 2007 when she decided to visit some Alaskan National Guard members in Kuwait and Germany? Now, that's experience!) Sorry, I lost track of my story. The last Sunday in September always features the SIR BRIT car show on the banks of the Ohio in our little village of Newburgh.

That's right! We have more foreign experience in Newburgh than you might think! We even have a sister city in Newburgh, England, and we're relatively old (I know that gets to Sir Dayvd) being founded in 1803. As we like to say, we are "The Best Town By a Dam Site"!

Unfortunately this year's show was not as well attended by car owners. I suspect that's because of the economy and they either didn't want to spend the money in gas to drive here, or they don't own their cars anymore. Hard to say, but there were still plenty of beauties like this bright red MG against the Ohio. By the way, that's the foreign country of Kentucky in the background. Do you know what a Kentuckian thinks Roe vs. Wade means? An argument about how to cross the Ohio River! LOL! (Sorry, Lady Suzanne...a native Kentuckian...I also carried its citizenship during my college days.) Speaking of Kentucky, in Louisville it appears that the US just might kick some European Ass in the Ryder Cup. (Sorry, Sir Dayvd) It's about the only thing we're doing right this week.

Here's another MG. Can you tell I like the old MG's?! The bend in the river heads towards Evansville. Just about a half mile down is the Abchier Ice House Pub where I down those 3 Floyd Ales!

Here's the interior of a red MG. Beautiful! If you've never driven a car sitting on the left side and down the left side of the road you haven't really lived yet! I've had the privilege to do so in England, Bermuda and Tortuga BWI. (I told you I've had plenty of foreign experience.) I'm not quite sure how the British came up with the lefty system, or why we went rightly (Perhaps it is a mirror of our countries political leanings?), but I am sure that Sir Dayvd will be able to educate us on this subject later.

So, here's to another Red, White and Blue! I'm proud to wave the British Flag on my shores and know that we have friends from the Mother of all Countries and the 51st State!

Sir Hook the Brit Loving MG Lusting Pirate of Warrick


Sir Bowie of Greenbriar (a.k.a. David A. Kuhn) said...

A lot of works of art out there.

If it weren't so hard to find parts here in the states, I would have bought my brother's Spitfire.

Though, I always was a TR6 fan.

Sir Bowie "Still loving my '64 Buick and '55 Willys M38A1" of Greenbrair

Anonymous said...

Awwww thats sweet... Good to see the "jack" flying once again in America... I'm not sure but i'm guessing us Brits never did get that far west. Seeing as we are never more than 100 miles from a coast here, I guess we would never go that far inland :))

Cool to see the MG's sittin' in the Sun.. As I outlined in the KMSA blog of December 13th 2007 The MG factory was only 5 miles from Oxford, in the town of Abingdon where i was born. So I have a soft spot for the old roadsters. I owned an MGBGT at one drove like a plank, but it was once a cool car to have here. An E Type Jag is still cool.

We have the steering wheel on the right hand side and drive on the left, just in case you are getting mixed up Hooky. I think its only us and the Swedish people who still do.

I'd hate to burst any bubbles over there...but to be honest the word City re: Newburgh UK might be pushing it a bit.. At first i couldn't find anywhere by that name.. then a tiny village in Lancashire seems to be the best bet in England.,_Lancashire

thats the link above. it only has 1800 inhabitants.

there is another smaller Village on the Aberdeen coast in Scotland
Newburgh on Ythan ...

but anyway the sign looks real sweet...and maybe letting sleeping dogs lie....means people remain blissfully happy..:)),_Aberdeenshire

the other link.

actually the wikipedia site of your place looks interesting too :)),_Indiana

Looking at that sign of yours again..hooky...i see a coat of arms next to the english any chance you could do a close up photo of both those coats of arms would be great to see them and work out whats on them for you..

Thanks for sharing the pictures tho... Nice views up the big ol' bendy river... and i love that Black MG. very nice.

BTW you are winning the Golf as i we are getting spanked ourselves... The Yanks are playing very well....but you never know........ its not over till its over in golf...

Sir Dayvd