If you've never seen this site it's a must visit.
To commemorate this important milestone, they are inviting everyone to help them design this year's anniversary design. The winning entry will be featured as the cover design on a set of limited edition Moleskine notebooks.

Here's how to join:
- Design the 5th Year anniversary design, which will be featured prominently on Moleskinerie.com in 2009.
- Entry should reflect your impressions of the Moleskine notebook and the Moleskinerie blog in its 5 years in existence. The number "5" must be part of the design. If you plan on incorporating the (.JPG FORMAT) logo to use it in accordance to trademark registration.
- 2 color
- Hi Res
- 7x12 cm
- Consider that it will be silkscreened onto a softcover Cahier, and the winning design will need to be converted into Vector art
Send entries as PNG or JPG files via email to moleskinerie@gmail.com. Include the artist's/entrant's name, complete mailing address and telephone number.
GRAND PRIZE: design to be featured (and credited) on Moleskinerie.com for the duration of 2009, 5 limited edition Moleskine customized notebooks featuring your design, and an assortment of additional Moleskine products.
The top 10 submissions will be sent a Moleskine customized notebook with the winning design.
1. Contest opens January 15, 2009 and closes February 15, 2009.
Winners will be declared on February 20, 2009.
2. All submitted materials will be considered the property of Moleskine Srl, and that use of the design will need to be allowed in circumstances where we are promoting the Moleskine brand or products. Other uses will not occur without the express written consent of the artists.
3. Custom edition notebooks will not be for sale; the winning artist will not receive any monetary gain from their winning design.
It will be great to see one of our own Knights of Moleskine, Spirit, and Ale win this one.
Have FUN. Good luck.
Sir Bowie "unfortunately can't even draw a bath" of Greenbriar
The Gauntlet has been dropped!
Sir Hook I'll Give it a Try of Warrick
Ah the old, "lets have a competition and save ourselves several thousand pounds design agency fees routine" LOL... okay i'm sold... i'll give it a shot... i'm a sucker for vanity prizes...
Sir dayvd ( who could Draw you a bath, but would need half up front and the rest on completion ) of Oxfordshire...
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