some guys its difficult to know which one is running at any one time. :))
....mind you i believe its something hardwired into us by a certain...ummmm God ?... some business to do with healthy spread of genes...or procreation or continuation of species or something biological... but that must be wrong...... I mean we're not animals right?....we are?...oh sorry.... :)) I was wondering why pictures of bosoms and thighs always focussed my attention.....that might explain it.
Sir D ( who's combing whats left of his fur ) of O
Post comment on Tiger Woods...quote from Robin Williams:
"God gives men a penis and a brain, but only enough blood to run one at a time!"
Sir Hook Ole Bloody Hell of Warrick
some guys its difficult to know which one is running at any one time. :))
....mind you i believe its something hardwired into us by a certain...ummmm God ?... some business to do with healthy spread of genes...or procreation or continuation of species or something biological... but that must be wrong...... I mean we're not animals right?....we are?...oh sorry.... :)) I was wondering why pictures of bosoms and thighs always focussed my attention.....that might explain it.
Sir D ( who's combing whats left of his fur ) of O
Gray beard?
Let's see it. Photos!
Sir Bowie "who sported a Santa beard last year" of Greenbriar
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