Monday, April 12, 2010

Find Waldo

As mentioned on comments on Sir Hook of Warrick's blog, Lady Gwendoline of Kensington and I, also attended Saturday night's ROSI flat track roller derby bout. It was her first ever and my first for this team. Evansville has two and I have friends on both of them.

I shot a number of images at this event. As I try not to shoot with flash, I was testing out my newish camera at a high ISO from 2000 to 5000 and a new (used) 70 - 200 2.x lens. While editing the 230 plus images, I happened to noticed a familiar figure in the background of some that, alas, didn't make the final cut. Last night I e-mailed Sir D of G saying I thought I had captured this elusive image and this morning with the blog, it was confirmed.

As Sir Hook of Warrick was on the opposite side of where I stood and sat (All three of us in the suicide seating), no shots were blocked in the making of this film.


Sir Bowie of Greenbriar (a.k.a. David A. Kuhn) said...

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it...

or get knocked in the teeth by a Rollergirl!

Sor Bowie "skating away on the thin ice of the new day" of Greenbriar

Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar said...

roller derby environment looks much warmer than hockey at Swonder Ice- we were even loaning blankets to the older woman nearby -

the roller derby "girl" I met on Fat Tuesday said she got into it as she was going through a divorce - friends recommended it for great exercise of body and emotions - she's a physical therapist by day and then goes and hits the cr*p out of people by night - with a smile on her face : )

We thought about going to Roller Derby on Saturday (would have upped the Knight/Lady ratio in attendance)
opted for bonfire at the lake instead

Sir D's first fish 0f 2010 caught Sunday morning - life is good now!

dkWells said...

OK, so you where on the opposite side. I was wondering why I didn't see you? Now this is synergy at its finest! By the way, I just received an email from Gorie Details, the bench manager and keeper of the ROSI web site, and she asked to include a link to our blog on their media page.

Now, we're getting some Ladies of the Realm with Attitude! To the Tilts!

Sir Hook the Waldo of Warrick