Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Open Season for NaNoWriMo 2008

The 2008 season for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) begins on November 1st. A quick introduction for those who are not in the "in."

30 days (November 1st through 30th) to complete a 50,000+ draft of a novel.

It's a community thing, and it's a great deal of fun. Sign up and finally get that novel written! There's really no pressure... it's more about quantity than quality at this point. I assure you that the revision process (starting on December 1st or thereabouts) can be just as fulfilling. I am self-publishing my first NaNoWriMo effort soon. I am still doing literary fiction this year... even if it doesn't pay :-) I can't wait to start. November 1st can't come early enough for me. I feel like a character in "Gladiator" waiting for Russell Crow to say "At my signal... unleash hell."

Sign up at www.nanowrimo.org

Sir Joseph Gould of Exeter


dkWells said...

First of all sir Joseph, welcome to the blog as a contributing writer! It is good to see more than myself, Sir Bowie and Sir Dayvd tickle the pages.

Now, to your contribution, I have to admit that when I read it and you ended with "At my signal...unleash hell.", I had to not pee my pants like the wimpy gladiator before the doors opened.

You see, I have several ideas about writing a novel, but I keep making excuses, like not having enough time, not being the right time, etc.

This NaNoWriMo puts all of that in its clear context, I'm just afraid to move forward. Wow, 50,000 words in November!

Thanks for the challenge. So, as I wipe myself, sharpen my pen sword and find a fire proof suit, I'll be ready to "unleash hell" in November!

Sir Hook the Reluctant Gladiator of Warrick

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOHHH i am sooo tempted by this... I have my Kerouac head on these days... hmmmmm.

it would either be 50,000 words of crap...or The Great American Novel..LOL...

I do have a title but i've had that for 30 years...:))

Sir D of O