Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mission Complete: KMSA Sacred Watering Holes

Last night completed the "Holy Trifecta", just in time for Christmas, of delivering the third and final Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale "Sacred Watering Hole" Plaque to be proudly displayed behind the bar.  The third pub to display us proudly is Dublin Village Tavern in Dublin, Ohio.  DVT was proceeded by the founding site in Evansville, IN of Old Chicago and McGrath's in Harrisburg, PA, where Sir Dayvd and I met.

It was only fitting, as described in the iPhone photo above, that a Founding Father from Evansville presented the plaque in Dublin (seen faintly in the background before it was to be hanged) while enjoying a Troegs Hop Back Amber Ale, brewed in Harrisburg, PA where I was introduced to this fine ale at McGrath's.  Obviously the planets and stars where aligned just right and all will be well in the world!

Not stopping at these three, which from here on will be known as the "KMSA Holy Trifecta", the Founding Fathers invite all to nominate their favorite Sacred Watering Hole so that the gospel according to KMSA can be spread throughout the world.  We promise to send you a plaque for display.  Thus we will begin a Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale "Pub Tour Pilgrimage" that will bring much "Thinking, Drinking and Merriment"!

Sir Hook the Proud KMSA Papa of Warrick 


Sir Bowie of Greenbriar (a.k.a. David A. Kuhn) said...

Well done and well done, Sir Hook.

Legends will have to be next when we can work out a time to get together there.

Safe travels,

Sir Bowie of Greenbriar

Anonymous said...

So all i need now is for Hooky and Bowie to buy me one whole pub somewhere like downtown Manhatten, which i will signwrite with the KMSA logo as KMSA NY and run as a British Bar, with beautiful barmaids and dark sweet english ales, while i play Mine Host sat on a bar stool, drinking and philosophising and joking with the customers.

Sir Dayvd ( a man of simple pleasures ) of Oxfordshire

Anonymous said...

An infinite number of arithmeticians walk into a bar. the first one orders a pint of beer, the second says “I’ll have half of what he’s having” the next on said “I’ll have half of what he’s having” this goes on a bit and finally the bartender puts two pints on the table and says “you’re all idiots”

sir D ( the learned jokester ) of Oxfordshire