Sunday, February 28, 2010

And The Winner Is... has just issued the top 24 cities in the world for drinking beer, albeit a very subjective one as no one actually ventured around the world drinking beer in each and every city as a scientific experiment, gathering data to substantiate their findings. Therefore, the validity and reliability of this survey should be taken with a grain of hops. I did see, however, that I am within crawling distance of two of them. Anyway, without further ado, here is the list of the top 24 (in no particular order):

Portland, Oregon
Brussels, Belgium
Bamberg, Germany
Dublin, Ireland
Cologne, Germany
Atlanta, Georgia
Munich, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Asheville, North Carolina
Boston, Massachusetts
Montreal, Canada
San Diego, California
Fort Collins, Colorado
Madison, Wisconsin
Portland, Maine
New Orleans, Louisiana
San Antonio, Texas
Key West, Florida
Seattle, Washington
Burlington, Vermont
Northampton, Massachusetts
Baltimore, Maryland
Whatever city you happen to be in

No matter if you agree or disagree with any city on the list, I think the last one should be on everyone’s list.

Sir Lance, who is looking for a map, a cooler and his “get out of jail free” card so he can go find his own 24 top cities - in the name of science, of course.


dkWells said...

Sir Lance, the Founding Father's will have to join you on your Beer Pilgrimage! All lists are obviously subject to scrutiny, however, this list is fairly impressive in scope. I agree with you on Baltimore. Oliver's on the Wharf, is a true British style Pub who brew their on beer and pump it Cask style at cellar temperature...YUMMY!

I've had the honor to hoist a glass of beer in Bamberg, Munich, Cologne, Atlanta, Amsterdam, Asheville, Boston, Montreal, Fort Collins, Portland Maine, New Orleans, Key West and Baltimore.

I'm slated for San Antonio and Madison later this year.

That leaves Brussels, Dublin, San Diego, Portland Oregon, Seattle, Burlington and Northampton Mass on my list.

A new goal!

Sir Hook Who Would Like to Drink Around the World of Warrick

Sir Lance of Brentwood said...

Baltimore has been good to me also. I went there and was determined to hit all 80 bars in an 8 square block area, but somehow never made it out of the first one - And The Horse You Rode In on.

Anonymous said...

Can I add Hookys list to my list of Portland Oregon, Seattle, Brussels...Dublin. :))

Not even sure where Burlington is... and how the heck the whole 24 places aren't in England.... oh thats right too busy drinking to make lists LOL...

Sir D ( I'll drink to that ) of O

dkWells said...

I agree with Sir D...where are the British Cities? Drinking in the Shires just doesn't get much better! We'll have to come up with a detailed KMSA list to publish to the world.

Burlington is in Vermont, might hit that one on the way to Maine again some day. Also, Denver would be a good one because it birthed the American Craft Brew movement which has rescued us from vats of horse piss lager!

A Baltimore gem, and listed as one of Draft Magazine's Top 10 Brewery Pubs is The Brewer's Art, who brew a very nice strong seasonal Ale called Resurrection Ale!

Sir Hook the Real King of Beers of Warrick

Anonymous said...

Heehee good one Lance.. lol..

so in summary... "I've never been in a Pub I didn't like" :))

D Of O..

Sir Bowie of Greenbriar (a.k.a. David A. Kuhn) said...

I know that Evansville, Indiana HAS to be on the list. Stop on by on your way to Key West, pick me up and I'll go down with you to enjoy a beer, key lime pie, and a good cigar!

Sir Bro-in-law of Greenbriar